Luke was an outsider himself, so he is showing us how God uses outsiders to change the world.
Luke wrote this book to show us that what we were taught was really true, that it really happened, and it's so important that he wrote it all out in chronological order.
When the angel told Zechariah that his wife was pregnant, he thought it was impossible. He had probably become so bitter and hopeless that he couldn't believe it. So the angel probably wouldn't let him speak because he didn't want him to spread around his doubt and negativity around such an amazing miracle so that God would get the glory. And when Zechariah could finally speak, I love that the first thing he says is praising God!
In contrast to Zechariah's disbelief, when Elizabeth realized she was pregnant, she felt incredibly honored by God, that God actually saw her!
Isn't that what any human being wants... is to just be seen.
Elizabeth felt honored by God when He took away her reproach from the people.
We discussed this at length in our ladies' meeting: Reproach is such a harsh word. Why do people judge you so badly about not having kids?
-if you're not married, when are you going to finally settle down?
-if you don't have any kids, when are you going to start a family?
-if you only have one child, when are you going to have another?
These questions can be very hurtful... just by asking the question can hurt their feelings for so many reasons, especially when everyone is asking the same question over and over... some are just not physically able to have children, some don't want any children at all, etc. You never know what situation someone is struggling with and those questions can be like rubbing salt in a wound.
Zechariah and Elizabeth did absolutely nothing wrong but they were not able to have any children... until it was IMPOSSIBLE!
God made the impossible possible!
Moreover, God made it so that Mary and Elizabeth, two outliers in society, could have a special connection for 3 months, a special bond that no one else could possibly understand.
We learned that Mary is blessed and Elizabeth is favored.
But aren't blessed and favored the same?
Blessed and Favored are similar, but Favored is more specific.
Like fingers and a thumb... you have 5 fingers, but the thumb is more specific.
Blessed - received positive things
Favored - specifically chosen as a favorite for a purpose or a sense of special treatment
Mary was blessed with being the mother of Jesus.
Elizabeth was given the privilege of being visited by Mary, the mother of Jesus who traveled such a long way just to see her. Elizabeth was favored by God when He saw her and took away her reproach from the people.
Bible Study Guide: "Luke: Gut Level Compassion" by Lisa Harper
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