Thursday, August 17, 2023


The apostles were so busy spreading the gospel, they delegated some of their responsibilities to several men who were chosen to be leaders because they were faithful, reputable, and filled with the Spirit. (Acts 6)

If you are faithful with little, then you will be faithful with much. 

One of these chosen leaders, Stephen, was doing great wonders and signs among the people. He was so full of grace and power that those who opposed what he was doing could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking... Consequently, they instigated and stirred up the people, so that they could bring him before the council, and then even went so far as to set up false witnesses against him and against Jesus. But all the council saw was the face of an angel. (Acts 6)

No matter what they did to Stephen, it didn't work. The light of Jesus was shining too brightly in Stephen.

Stephen told them about everything that God had done... that what God had foretold came true, about God's fulfilled promise, about how God rescued Joseph, that God brought something amazingly good out of what men meant for harm out of jealousy, about about how God used Moses, who was rejected and exiled from his home... and yet these stiff-necked people still resisted the Holy Spirit. (Acts 7)

Stephen told them the truth. The truth pierced their hearts with conviction, and they didn't like it.

These people were so outraged that they threw stones at Stephen. As they were stoning him, Stephen, said that he saw the heavens opened up and that he could see Jesus standing at the right hand of God. As they were still stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit," falling to his knees, crying, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." Then he fell asleep. (Acts 7)

Unbelievable. How in the world was he able to forgive them, even as they were torturing him to death?

Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, actually saw Jesus with his own eyes at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hence, even though he was being beaten to death, he asked God to forgive his tormenters. 

Ironically, Stephen ended up being like Joseph and Moses, the very people he was just talking about. 

"We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

God is working, even though we can't see it. God is good. God doesn't make the bad things happen. He has a plan and a purpose for good things. 

God uses bad things that have happened as opportunities to work in us and through to bring something. God. 

When something unexpectedly good happens, that's how you know it's God. That's how God works. He wants you to pray, seek him for help, and He wants to help you. He deserves all the honor, glory, and praise.  

God can bring something good out of what men meant for evil.

Stephen had tremendous faith and amazing courage. He wasn't afraid because he knew God was with him and would deliver him. Stephen's incredible faith helped him so that he could surprisingly forgive those that hurt him. 

Dear Lord, my Creator, you are good, you are in control, and I trust you that you are working things out for the best. 

Please Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit, help me to have faith and courage, give me your strength to forgive as you have forgiven me through your son Jesus. Thank you Lord. 

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