It's always interesting to me what is NOT mentioned in the Bible...
Simon said, "Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you've spoken may come upon me." Acts 8:24
The Bible doesn't say whether or not Peter and John did what the magician had asked them to do. The very next verse just says they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans. (Acts 8:25)
Peter had told Simon to repent and pray to the Lord for forgiveness. But instead of doing what they him to do, Simon responded by saying, no, you do that for me.
What would you do?
What would you do if you told someone how to receive a precious gift, but then they just responded, no, you do it for me?
Would you just keep on walking to your destination telling the good news to everyone else you see along the way?
Jesus told the twelve apostles, "if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town." (Matthew 10:14)
So in other words, Peter and John did what Jesus told them to do.
Philip brought many Samaritans to Christ, and many of them were healed. Even Simon, the magician, became a believer and was baptized. But since they didn't receive the Holy Spirit, Peter and John went there to lay hands on the Samaritans and pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit. When the magician saw that they received the Holy Spirit after laying hands on and praying for them, Simon tried to buy that power so he could perform that wonderful miracle too. (Acts 8:4-19)
The problem is you can't buy with money that which is freely given.
Yes, you have to believe. But that's not all.
"Even the demons believe... and shudder!" (James 2:19)
Peter said his heart was not right with God. Peter said he had to repent and ask God to forgive him. (Acts 8:20-23)
But Simon couldn't do that. He wanted someone else to do that for him.
Repent - apologize, be sorry, regret, have remorse, be ashamed, be humbled, ask for forgiveness
We each have to be accountable for our own repentance. No one can do that for you.
God knows our heart and our thoughts. That relationship is between you and God alone.
You can't earn it with good works. You can't buy it with money. You just have to ask for it and it will be freely given to you, if you believe and repent.
Sinner's Prayer:
Dear God, I acknowledge my sins before You. I believe You sent Your Son Jesus to die on the cross to take the penalty for my sins so I could be forgiven. I am sorry for my sins and I want to live the rest of my life the way You want me to. Now I turn away from my sin and turn to Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Thank You Jesus. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Amen."
Are you a good person? Will you go to heaven?
Keep Doing Your Part
Then, when you tell other people the good news, you can't beg them or push them. It has to be their own belief, their own faith, and their own personal relationship with God. You did your part by telling them and praying for them. You keep doing your part. Let them do their part. Let God do His part.
Easier said than done though, am I right?
Especially when it's someone you love and care for. You can't stop loving them no matter what.
They will know us by our love for each other.
Seems like prayers aren't working or not enough.
But praying to God is the absolute best thing you can do for them. God loves them too, just as much if not more. I know He is working things out for good. I trust Him because God loves us. We have to keep on praying and keep on praying for our loved ones. We can't beg them or push them, but we can give them to God.
When I keep on praying for my loved ones, all I hear from God is...
"Be still and know that I am God."
Strangely that is extremely comforting to me and fills me unexplainable peace from God.
God's got this.
Thank you Lord in advance for answering my prayers and bringing my loved ones to you. Please Lord soften their sweet precious heart, hold them, let them feel your loving presence, grace and mercy.
Let Go, let God.