Monday, December 20, 2021

I am a sheep and have many questions.

My blog is going to be about what I am learning on my journey as I am following Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I have read, studied, and taught the Bible for many years. Even though I started this journey many years ago, I am now realizing that the more I learn, the more I am aware of just how much I do not know. 

Recent painful events in my life have made me draw closer to God, depend more on God, and want to take a much deeper look at God's Word. 

My blog is going to be about what I study and learn in God's Word. 

Dear Lord, help me to study Your Word, to listen to what You are teaching me, and to apply it to my life every day. Thank You Lord for carrying me through the pain, for your comfort and your peace. I trust You Lord. I don't always understand, but I am to be still and know that You are God. You are in control and You have a plan and purpose for every pain and sorrow. Please help me to trust You Lord. Thank you for your blessings, and for those little special intimate moments that You give me when I am crying out to you in pain and sorrow, and You give me your strength, comfort, and peace. Thank you for answering my prayer when I asked you if you were really real to show me, and You have been showing me so many times that you really are real and ever present in my life, and You give me exactly what I need exactly when I have needed it. You have answered prayers in ways that I never would've thought of and that's how I know it's from You Lord because nothing is impossible with You. Amen.

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