Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind." Then some of the Pharisees who were with Him said, "Are we blind also?" Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would have no sin, but now you say, 'We see,' therefore, your sin remains."
At first it's confusing, but it seems that He's talking about judgment here.
Jesus didn't come to condemn the world but to save it. (John 3:17)
I can't just look at these one or two verses by themselves, I have to look at the context of John 9. Jesus heals the blind man so he can see now, but the Pharisees don't believe it. The Pharisees think they know, but really they don't know and they don't understand. This makes me wonder if we as Christians today think we know and understand, but what if we don't know or understand like we think we do? Jesus was always doing things differently than the people expected Him to healing on the Sabbath.
I think this is where righteous judgment comes into play...Jesus looked past the rule of behavior on the sabbath and what they thought they knew was right or wrong, and looked at the blind man with forgiveness and compassion. Jesus was kind and healed him, regardless of what was expected or thought to be appropriate behavior. It didn't matter what others thought.
Jesus said that this happened so that the works of God could be displayed through him. This means that God had a plan and a purpose for this man's blindness. This man had to endure blindness from birth until however old he was, at least an adult it says, so maybe at least 18 years, just so Jesus could perform a miracle through him and so we could see what He could do and would do for us. This probably means that maybe God has a plan and a purpose for the suffering and pain that I have endured, and I just don't know what that is yet.
It didn't matter that it was the sabbath to Jesus. But why would it matter to Jesus? The sabbath is for us to keep holy as unto the Lord. The Lord made the sabbath for our benefit to rest. Why would the Lord need to keep a day holy as unto Himself? This part I don't really understand.
Jesus came to save the lost, but if we don't think we're lost, then we're dead already. If we don't think we need Jesus, then we're still sinners and we'll lose the ability to see the need for Jesus.
Maybe the plan and purpose for my pain and suffering is to write this blog, study His Word more, learn more about Him, to seek God, talk to Him, trust Him, and depend on Him.
I need to be humble. I need Jesus to heal me. I don't know or understand everything but God does. I need to not try and take control of the situation and admit that I need God's help and realize that God is in control. "Be still and know that I am God," says the Lord.
Dear Lord, please help me. I need You Lord. Please heal me. Please forgive me. Please help others forgive me for the pain and hurt feelings that I caused, and please comfort and heal them. Please give me Your wisdom and help me to understand what You are teaching me. Thank you Lord. Amen.