Saturday, January 1, 2022

I am the Good Shepherd John 10:1-18

 I am the door of the sheep... If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go out and in and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:7-11


Door (noun) a moveable barrier at an entrance/exit or portal. A door's essential and primary purpose is to provide security by controlling access to the doorway or portal.

Portal (noun) a way to get to or do something.

A door can be locked, and I would need a key or access code to unlock it.

If Jesus is a door, that means He is a way to get to or do something, i.e. to be saved, and to find pasture.

I am a sheep, and Jesus is my shepherd. My good shepherd laid down His life for me to save me. He helps me find pasture, which is where I am safe, and find food, rest, peace, and pleasure. 

See also Psalm 23. 

According to the context, there are hired hands that take care of the sheep but don't necessarily care for the sheep, and a hired hand will flee at the first sign of trouble. So, this could mean that the sheep could follow someone else who will not protect them from predators.

What does it mean to have life more abundantly? Is this joy? peace? contentment? fulfillment? purpose? fulfilling my purpose? pursuing my dreams and my passions? 

Living life to the fullest is doing something with my life, something good, something meaningful,  getting as much out of this life that I can while I am here on this earth. I don't really know what that looks like though. 

But it also says that we will go out and in. What exactly does this mean?


I have a choice to follow Jesus or not. 

Jesus is my Lord, my Savior, my Provider, my Protector, and I know His voice.

I want to live life to the fullest through Jesus. 


Dear Lord, please help me to listen to Your voice. Please give me your wisdom, your peace, and your strength. Help me Lord to live my life to the fullest. Thank you Lord. Amen. 

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