Jesus answered, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand." (John 13:7)
Jesus knew they wouldn't understand, but He did it anyway.
Simon Peter asked Jesus, "Lord, do you wash my feet?" Simon Peter saw what He was doing but couldn't believe what he was seeing because it didn't make sense... that the Lord would stoop down, take off His garment and use it to wash his feet.
Jesus humbled himself to cleanse His disciples.
I think this could be called a foreshadowing and/or a metaphor of Jesus laying down His life to save us from our sin.
One way to teach something important is by showing the student a picture or telling a story that is so shocking/mind-blowing/outlandish/silly/funny to get their attention. Jesus obviously got their attention when He took off his garment and stooped down to wash their feet.
This Lord of lords and King of kings did something so opposite of His title and position by acting as a opposite of His authority and dignity by exposing opposite of what would be expected.
I think it's important to note that He cleansed His disciples....
Disciple (noun) one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another, a convinced adherent of a school or individual, a convert, a follower, a pupil.
Then Jesus told them they should do the same thing to others as well (John 13:14-15).
Jesus said, "if you know these things, blessed are you if you do them" (John 13:17)
So, we are blessed if we wash others' feet? I think this means we are to humble ourselves.
I definitely do not understand why so many bad things have happened, and when I cry out to God, the only answer I get when I pray is, "Be still and know that I am God."
God knows that I don't understand.
God is working, even though I don't see it, I still believe it. I have seen what God has done before.
Jesus said to let the children come to Him because the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these (Matthew 19:14). We are to have a childlike faith.
Dear Lord, you know that I don't understand. So, it's ok that I don't understand, as long as I believe and trust you Lord because I know you are good and have a plan and a purpose. I pray that someday I will understand, but until then, thank you Lord for your patience with me as I learn humility. I pray Lord that you comfort, heal, and restore those that I have hurt their feelings, Lord. Thank you for your forgiveness, Lord. Amen.