Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How to Hear God Speaking

 "Mary stood weeping outside the tomb...she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus...supposing him to be the gardener" John 20:11-15

Mary Magdalene saw Jesus, but she didn't see him. She didn't recognize him. Jesus spoke to her and she still didn't recognize him!

Mary was a faithful woman of God! But she was distracted in her sorrow and grieving. She thought she knew but she didn't! She thought Jesus was dead, but he wasn't! Jesus is alive!

So this makes me wonder...how often does God speak to us and we're not listening or not understanding Him? 

How often do we think we know something, but really just the opposite is true because we don't have all the information?

I don't want to miss out on what God has for me. I need to always try to be listening to God.  I need to pay attention so I can listen. I need to tune in so I can hear him. 

You know how a radio has many different stations that you can listen to? When you're looking for a certain station, it's very easy to become distracted with other stations that you find along the way. 

It's very easy to get caught up in the distractions of this world. Distractions are like weeds that we need to dig up our of our garden so they don't choke out the beautiful flowers. 

"I the Lord your God am a jealous god." Exodus 20:5

God doesn't want to compete with all of the noise and busyness that we choose to fill our lives with.

Well, we as believers need to tune in to God's station! We need to set our hearts and minds on trying to hear God's still small voice when he is speaking to us. We need to walk in the spirit and focus on Him.

God speaks to his people. (Luke 8:4-15)

We need to prepare our hearts so that we can be ready to hear God. 

We need to be open-minded and willing to listen.

We need to set aside time to pray to God. 

We also need to set aside time to listen to God.

We need to eliminate the distractions so that we can focus on God and what He is speaking to us.

Dear Lord, please help me to hear your voice, and help me to listen to you. Please help me to be open-minded and realize that I may not always know what I think I know. If I am wrong about something, Lord please show me in your loving grace, merciful kindness. Thank you Lord!

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